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One of the BEST things about our Groovy little art studio is the FABULOUS staff that is here to HELP you create your Masterpiece ~ We want to make your creative experience FUN - not Stressful!.... Get to Know us (& make sure to click on pic to find out a random, fun fact about everyone!.....

I've owned AFU since 2007 and I have a little thing for ELVIS (& Marilyn!)

"I am double jointed in all ten fingers!"

"I don't like pizza!"

"I love to train dogs, but also love to paint pottery!"

"My favorite animal is a flamingo!"

Pottery Diva Mona Lisa
One of My Favorite Quotes is "Every child is an artist. The problem is.... how to remain an artist once he grows up." I think my buddy Pablo Picasso said that....
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